

A few books on the wide topic of Thermalism.  Please be aware, that by clicking these links, it will obviously not cost you anything, but we might earn some money if you take action (purchase, subscribe, etc.) to continue providing content I hope you like. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

The Grand Spas of Central Europe

by David Clay Large

For those interested in history, and the little stories within the Great History, this book is awesome, and very entertaining, at retracing the origins of most of the key spa towns in Europe from the roman times to our century. The author is funny and you will read this "history" book like a novel because of all the anecdotal drama linked to these towns. A must read.

Health, Hedonism and Hypochondria: The Secret History of Spas 

by Ian Bradley

The secret history of English Spas

by Melanie King

A few websites that provided some good insight on history and other topics linked to the Spa World:

1) Thermalism between past and future, by Sebastiano MONTI from the University of Salerno in Italy
The first 2.5 pages of his dissertation outlines well the history before dwelling on the particular touristic implications for Ischia

2) Italian baths in the era of the Renaissance, by Richard Palmer
9 very interesting pages on the revival of thermalism both in literature and on site in Italy's XVIth century

3) History of the baths and thermal medicine, by a group of italian, german and bulgarian scholars
Very succint overview (1 page) but a rich bibliography to learn more

4) Thermalism in Greece: an old cultural habitus in crisis, by a group of greek scholars
Another succint overview (1 page) of the transformations of bathing in thermal springs from Antiquity to modern times

Googling Thermalism, Thermal baths, Hydrotherapy, Balneotherapy, Thalassotheraoy, Spa history will yield enough results to keep you busy for a while once you peruse the links above.